Friday, January 27, 2023

Blog Entry #1. All about blogs.

Let's suppose, for a moment, that you know nothing in regards to blogging. It is an entirely foreign and unfamiliar subject to you. So what exactly is blogging? A web page that is periodically updated by individuals, and a fantastic method to express oneself and share knowledge and passion with the internet. The success of a blog, however, depends on its verbal and aesthetic appeal. It seems like there is a lot of pressure to consistently post entertaining content. So why would anyone bother to keep a blog up to date? The rewarding part regarding blogs is that they serve as a reflection of who you are as a person. 

As an example, consider the food blog Eat Yourself Skinny. The blog was started by author and innovator Kelly as a means to share her healthy recipes when she wanted to lose some "happy weight." Eat yourself Skinny is the ultimate online recipe book. As well as being aesthetically appealing, the recipes on the site are fun, straightforward and include check marks next to each ingredient on the ingredients list. No ingredients will ever be neglected or overlooked again. Not only are the recepies delicious but they are also serve as a reflection of who Kelly is. 

Posting about a subject you are enthusiastic about is a different approach for showcasing your individuality in a blog. Whether it be via cuisine, art, or even a lifelong devotion to dogs! Dog Shaming is the finest blog for dog owners to share and rant about all the outrageous things their cherished furry companions do. If you're an animal lover this is the blog for you! ðŸ’œ 


     Lastly there is the overflow of fashion blogs. It hurts to say it, but compared to other genres of blogs, fashion blogs are often underwhelming and frequently fall flat. Currently, the distinction between a typical fashion blog and a shopping website is  small, nearly nonexistent. A lot of these sites mainly rely on media and advertising to express preferences and aspirations of sponsors and companies and to sway public opinion through various sorts of marketing. The personality of the blogs is undermined as soon as a reader opens the blog only to be greeted by a shopping site. A example of this is The Skinny Confidential, where marketing is the main objective of the blog. 

Blogs are wonderful for self expression, and sharing ones passion to an audience. In order to capture an audience blogs bust me entertaining and aesthetically appealing. What is your favorite blog genre?💖

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Introduction entry- Get to know me

Hello and welcome, my name is Iunia ( if anyone is confused it is pronounced similarly to Julia). I recently moved from Norway to Arizona, and I am looking forward to this semester at GCC. I adore traveling and have been visiting new places for as long as I can remember. Along with traveling, I also enjoy playing the flute, dressmaking, reading, and creating art. My strongest skill is drawing, though I also attempt to paint and work with other media, like sculpting. I am definitely the type of person who learns a bit of everything. 

My objectives for this blog include coming up with creative entries and discovering my writing style. Since english is not my mother tongue I will also have focus on coherent writing and expanding my vocabulary. Personally I do not consider myself a writer, but I enjoy writing on occasion. The reason for this is simply because I find it difficult to bridge the gap between my “brilliant ideas” and formatting them into an orderly and cohesive text. When I usually write it is for school or similar, so i do not particularly get to express my personal writing style often. However this blog is definitely an opportunity to put my abilities to the test, also it honestly seems fun! The best part is getting to personalize the blog itself and being able to write slightly more casually. Please let me know what your favorite part about the Blog Project is, and thanks for sticking by! Happy Blogging!💜

Entry #9- The Shien Apocalypse

 Last year during the stagnation of pandemic life, chances are that you have heard of America's number one apparel brand, Shein. Viral v...