Thursday, April 27, 2023

Entry #9- The Shien Apocalypse

 Last year during the stagnation of pandemic life, chances are that you have heard of America's number one apparel brand, Shein. Viral videos showcasing “Shein hauls” have had a tremendous influence on the younger demographic, and have led to a significant increase in online sales. Shein targets teens and young women. It adds thousands of new items to inventory daily and has around 600 000 products at all times. (BBC) While fast fashion brands are notorious for creating garments in short timeframes, Shein is ultra-fast. The company produces the same amount of garments in a week as a typical fashion brand would produce in months. (Wired) Most of Shein’s merchandise is often priced under $30, making it half as affordable as other fast fashion giants. (Brightly) If you have spent any amount of time on social media in the past year you have probably heard someone mention the brand or seen celebrities and influencers promote it. This new and addictive algorithm, made the western media explode with viral videos of Shein’s merchandise. As of today, Shein is ranked the most visited apparel site worldwide, and its growing popularity meets no end. In an era of rising environmental awareness, how is this even happening? Despite its growing popularity, Shein is not an ethical fashion brand because of questionable labor practices, poor sustainability, and the negative impact it has on teens.

So what does Shein's future hold for the environment? As the evidence demonstrates Shien is a highly unethical brand that abuses its workers and is toxic to the environment. On the contrary, the youth demand access to a wide variety of inexpensive apparel. What do you think about Shien?

Fuller Kylie. “The Truth About Shein: How Sustainable and Ethical Is the Fast Fashion Brand?.” Brightly, Oct. 8, 2022,

Jones Lora “Fast, Shein: The secretive Chinese brand dressing Gen ZBBC, Nov. 9, 2021,

Vauhini Vara “Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control: Inside Shein’s Sudden Rise” Wired, May 4, 2022,

Entry #8 - Peta's Only Achievement; Fur Is Unfashionable

People for the ethical treatment of animals (PETA), is a well-known organization that advocates for animal rights as well as its scandalous ads and campaigns. PETA has been on a mission to reduce the popularity of fur clothing since 1980. This advertisement is the closing of PETA's 40-year-old goal that wants to persuade its audience that it is better to go without any clothing than to wear animal fur. The range of viewers is enormous, and chances are that most people will notice a nude woman displayed on a large billboard. However, the intended audience that Peta tries to hone in on this particular ad would have to be the generation from their mid-thirties and generally people who were teens when the campaign took off in the 90s. Viewers in their mid-30s are more likely to connect with celebrity Gillian Anderson and are consistently more aware of the fur industry than their younger counterparts. They are also more prone to bring the trend back. Between the celebrity status, and ethical message, PETA also employs a number of rhetorical devices to help promote a savvy advertisement that is intended to capture viewers and, ideally, convey its message. PETA's “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur ” campaign, communicates the message that animals should not be harmed and used as luxury clothing.

(Rankin , John Waddell. “Gillian Anderson Would Rather Go Naked than Wear Fur.” PETA, 11 Jan. 2019,

The "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" campaign promotes the notion that animals should not be mistreated or turned into fashion accessories. This advertisement achieves a lot. After decades of protesting the usage of fur, PETA can call its campaign a success. Designers and fashion businesses have started using alternative materials in place of fur as a result of the ad during fashion week. The campaign makes the average fashion lover more conscious of the concept through the cover of actress and trusted activist Gillian Anderson. As a result, fur is a notorious clothing material due to the terrible and cruel truths that surround it. The convergence of various appeals and techniques to convey the intended message that wearing dead animals is incredibly unfashionable.

What do you think about fur? Would you wear it?

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Entry #7. The Role Of Hashtags In Social Media

The hashtag, which was once thought to be revolutionary, has actually become a common function throughout all social media platforms. However with changing times and evolving trends, one might ask, are hashtags still relevant in 2023?

Hashtags have actually been utilized for numerous purposes, from raising awareness concerning social issues to advertising brand names and events. Hashtag activism, for instance , has actually contributed in driving social and political change by bringing attention to issues that may otherwise have been disregarded. The #MeToo movement, #BlackLivesMatter, and also with #TimesUp are merely a number of instances of precisely just how hashtags have been used to develop recognition and also stimulate conversations concerning important subjects.

Nevertheless as social media has actually created, so has using hashtags. Over the last couple of years, hashtags have in fact wound up being a whole lot even more commercialized, with. While this has actually caused the production of brand-new and ingenious campaigns, it has actually furthermore resulted in a saturation of hashtags, making it tough for customers to remain on top of the latest trends.

So, are hashtags still relevant in 2023? The answer is of course, but its relevance has shifted. Hashtags are still helpful for categorizing content and creating interaction, yet their impact on social modification could be winding down. In an age where social networks is dominated by funded material and influencers, using hashtags for advocacy as well as social modification can really feel insincere and contrived.

What do you think about the rise and fall of hashtags? 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Entry #6 - The Benefits of Meditation: How It Can Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health awareness month is coming up and I wanted to mention that practicing meditation is the best way to improve your mental and physical health. 

The most known benefit of meditation is that it can help reduce stress and anxiety meditation. While Meditation helps calm the mind and is known for decreasing stress hormones. It also gives an overall state of well being it and has been proven to be an effective treatment for anxiety and depression disorders as well as other illnesses. Research study shows that meditating on a normal basis can bring about physical improvements in the mind including regions related to psychological regulation and reduced anxiety and also anxiousness. (hölzel, 2011).

Most of us have active routines and also way of lives that require you to multitask and be effective, so you can make use of meditation as a tool to enhance emphasis and memory. This is a great tip for students who are stressed about finals or exam season. Not only will you have better focus on your studies but your cognitive function will also improve over time by including meditation into your schedule. 

Another benefit is improving your sleep. According to Hölzel's research practicing a bit of meditation everyday can also improve sleep quality. As most of us recognize, insomnia is an unpleasant state that is brought on by an overactive mind that can either avoid you from resting or even just mess up the high quality of your rest cycle. Yet regarding 5 minutes of continuous meditation before going to bed could be all you need to obtain sleepy or give your brain the boost needed to rest trough all the sleeping phases of the cycle.

Lastly, meditation is beneficial to your sense of self. It can heal hurt emotions, increase self awareness and acceptance. It is important to remember to be kind to yourself and others and become more aware of daily thoughts and actions this upcoming month. Meditation can serve as a time of self reflection, goal setting or healing. As mentioned before meditation is a powerful tool that can benefit your mental health and personal growth. 

Do you meditate? ❤☺


Hölzel, B. K., Carmody, J., Evans, K. C., et al. (2011). Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density. Psychiatry Research, 191(1), 36-43. doi:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2010.08.006

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Entry #5- Arizona's water shortage

 As we all know, Arizona, a state known for its deserts and arid climate, is facing a severe water crisis. The combination of population growth, drought, and climate change has exacerbated the problem, leading to a looming water shortage. The article “What’s Happening with the Arizona Water Shortage Crisis?” from gives an excellent overview of the issue at hand. According to the article, the water shortage we are experiencing now is just the beginning of an ongoing crisis. While the article states; “It is worth noting that despite a population increase of six million residents since 1957, Arizona has been using about the same amount of water now as they did then.” What has caused this enormous drought, and what are Arizona's future possibilities? The article thoroughly explains the climate-changing aspects of the problem. Essentially the temperatures in az have been steadily rising since the 1970s and as such hotter days result in higher evaporation rates. In addition, experts predict that water levels in the Lakes  that source az with water will not likely recover soon amid current global warming projections and aridity. But do not worry Arizonians, according to the article there are a few solutions. The first is of course to invest and partner with other states. Otherwise, there have been discussions of diverting floodwaters from the Mississippi River basin to the Rio Grande in New Mexico or the Front Range in Colorado as an alternate water supply. This can lead to an increase in water prices from as much as $1500. As a resident in Arizona I am personally not a fan of how costly the current solution is. However this may be the only way to help the state's water resources, which are already limited due its arid climate.                      

           Lai, Olivia. “What's Happening with the Arizona Water Shortage Crisis.” Earth.Org, Earth.Org, 21 June 2022,

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Blog Entry #4. What is Research?

What usually comes to mind when individuals imagine research? Most likely a laboratory complete with test tubes, microscopes, and researchers in white lab coats. While this setup is ideal for certain categories of research such as chemists or virologists, there are also other possible settings of research such as distributing surveys or observational research.  Less-known practices like examining historical records are researched too! So then what exactly do all research methods share in common? Whether it comes from the laboratory or not, it is fundamental to learn more about ourselves, society, and everything that surrounds and influences human life. 

As a matter of fact, all research shares the same objective; the discovery of knowledge and concepts. At first, research always begins with a question, used to discover or create new knowledge. This concept is strongly associated with the scientific method. A process that involves asking questions and drawing conclusions based on results and findings. There are two main types of findings that can result from this process. Physical and concrete products and general knowledge. The first kind of result is a tangible product like a new kind of drug that treats a certain disease. This form of research frequently results in immediate improvements to individuals' lives, creating a safer environment. Another variation of research findings is intangible, such as the understanding of archival texts. Such research enlightens us and broadens our perspectives to discover more knowledge in the future. All forms of research are meant to bring new knowledge to the surface and improve our understanding of pre-established ideas. Most research begins with a question and results in either a tangible or intangible result. 

Finally, research may be a starting point for future questions and inquiries. Sharing the findings with other researchers so that they may observe, confirm, and formulate their own questions is the last phase in the scientific method. Communicating results to others creates new questions and speculation regarding the new knowledge acquired, continuing an endless loop of innovation. The cycle of the scientific method pushes breakthroughs and discoveries forward. But the principles of the scientific method are not limited to the sciences. Anyone can contribute to research, by making observations of their own and asking questions. For example, during the pandemic, myths and concerns regarding COVID-19 were constantly spread. However, because individuals were questioning different aspects, researchers were able to assess and draw conclusions from various perspectives.

So what is Research? It starts with an idea or question and often results in a discovery that can be either applied to the real world or expands our current comprehension of it. The research itself can be described through the scientific method and is a constant cycle of questioning and acquiring new knowledge. Everyone can contribute to research by putting their curiosity forward. 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Entry #3- Debunking Internet slant

Today's slant is Harry Potter. For those who are unfamiliar, Harry Potter is one of the most famous fantasy novel series in the world. Written and published by author JK Rowling the series chronicles Harry Potters's life as he discovers and battles his magical skills. When it was first launched, the series gained widespread praise and quickly became one of the most popular fantasy series of all time. Though with praise and fans of the franchise, there are also haters. Numerous articles and videos are released on the internet in hopes of attracting hateful fans. One of them is; All The Reasons Why “Harry Potter” Actually Sucks (You Know It’s True). 

This 2018 article makes startling assertions, one of which is that the books are poorly written. According to the article, “While J.K. Rowling does an excellent job of world building, ”the piece claims, “the story itself is beyond basic.” It implies that the audience intended for this has a pretty decent knowledge of the storyline. With both the books and the movie adaptations in mind, the article blatantly calls the story basic. As for the movies they are mentioned to be either too cheesy or too dark. Evidently, there is no pleasing this article's intended demographic. Instead of addressing some of the adaptations' genuine problematic controversies, such as a lack of diversity, the article complains about seemingly insignificant issues, such as characters dying in the narrative. These precise considerations lead me to assume that the target audience for this post is adolescents or young adults. Another factor for this claim is the vocabulary used in the article is highly informal and sarcastic with examples such as “And then BAM” or “Gee, if only”. It is safe to say that this sarcastic, and opinionated article has a weak rhetoric. Not only is it highly opinionated but it also does not communicate anything other than vague critique without sources or examples to back up the article itself. In addition, it does not provide any background information for those who are new to the wizarding world.

It is critical to remember that good rhetoric and evidence are both essential for a successful slant piece. An essay like this one cannot be effective without these components. While this was an eye-catching and engaging read, it failed to effectively express its rhetoric.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Blog Entry #2. Did Instagram end the “It-girl” era? Let's talk about it


In a time period where everyone with a phone can become rich and famous, the distinction between celebrity and influencer is becoming increasingly fragmented. People now use the phrase "it-girl" to describe to anyone with a smidge of clout. Leaving aside the obvious overuse of the ephitet, I am not sure I can name a contemporary celebrity who warrants the “it-girl” label. Can they even exist in this era? 

What defines the “it-girl” from the movie stars of the 50s to the 90s super models to the influencers of today.

We often hear people referring to famous female figures as having “it”. By It meaning sex appleal, fame and a socialite lifestyle. The term dates back to the early 1900 hunders, by a man named Rudyard Kipling who defined the term as following: "'Tisn't beauty, so to speak, nor good talk necessarily. It's just It. Some women'll stay in a man's memory if they once walk down a street." (Kipling Society) As Kipling once said there is no distinct beauty or personality trait that defines “it”. The most important term is wealth. “The it.” That is the main distinction between the “it- girls” and just girls.  

However people can now put on a mask of having "it" without having any of the  elements that warrants someone the "it-factor" thanks to applications like Instagram. Whereas the “It-girl” used to be pursued by paparazzi, today's influencers turn the camera on themselves - a diy paparazzi. Wealth, fame, and the little button nose can all be photoshopped and faked. The bottom line is that the more disconnected we grow from the real world and the more immersed we become in the internet, the closer the "It-girl" is to extinction. What are your thoughts on the “it-girl”?


Page, David. “It!” The Kipling Society , 11 Apr. 2006,  

Friday, January 27, 2023

Blog Entry #1. All about blogs.

Let's suppose, for a moment, that you know nothing in regards to blogging. It is an entirely foreign and unfamiliar subject to you. So what exactly is blogging? A web page that is periodically updated by individuals, and a fantastic method to express oneself and share knowledge and passion with the internet. The success of a blog, however, depends on its verbal and aesthetic appeal. It seems like there is a lot of pressure to consistently post entertaining content. So why would anyone bother to keep a blog up to date? The rewarding part regarding blogs is that they serve as a reflection of who you are as a person. 

As an example, consider the food blog Eat Yourself Skinny. The blog was started by author and innovator Kelly as a means to share her healthy recipes when she wanted to lose some "happy weight." Eat yourself Skinny is the ultimate online recipe book. As well as being aesthetically appealing, the recipes on the site are fun, straightforward and include check marks next to each ingredient on the ingredients list. No ingredients will ever be neglected or overlooked again. Not only are the recepies delicious but they are also serve as a reflection of who Kelly is. 

Posting about a subject you are enthusiastic about is a different approach for showcasing your individuality in a blog. Whether it be via cuisine, art, or even a lifelong devotion to dogs! Dog Shaming is the finest blog for dog owners to share and rant about all the outrageous things their cherished furry companions do. If you're an animal lover this is the blog for you! 💜 


     Lastly there is the overflow of fashion blogs. It hurts to say it, but compared to other genres of blogs, fashion blogs are often underwhelming and frequently fall flat. Currently, the distinction between a typical fashion blog and a shopping website is  small, nearly nonexistent. A lot of these sites mainly rely on media and advertising to express preferences and aspirations of sponsors and companies and to sway public opinion through various sorts of marketing. The personality of the blogs is undermined as soon as a reader opens the blog only to be greeted by a shopping site. A example of this is The Skinny Confidential, where marketing is the main objective of the blog. 

Blogs are wonderful for self expression, and sharing ones passion to an audience. In order to capture an audience blogs bust me entertaining and aesthetically appealing. What is your favorite blog genre?💖

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Introduction entry- Get to know me

Hello and welcome, my name is Iunia ( if anyone is confused it is pronounced similarly to Julia). I recently moved from Norway to Arizona, and I am looking forward to this semester at GCC. I adore traveling and have been visiting new places for as long as I can remember. Along with traveling, I also enjoy playing the flute, dressmaking, reading, and creating art. My strongest skill is drawing, though I also attempt to paint and work with other media, like sculpting. I am definitely the type of person who learns a bit of everything. 

My objectives for this blog include coming up with creative entries and discovering my writing style. Since english is not my mother tongue I will also have focus on coherent writing and expanding my vocabulary. Personally I do not consider myself a writer, but I enjoy writing on occasion. The reason for this is simply because I find it difficult to bridge the gap between my “brilliant ideas” and formatting them into an orderly and cohesive text. When I usually write it is for school or similar, so i do not particularly get to express my personal writing style often. However this blog is definitely an opportunity to put my abilities to the test, also it honestly seems fun! The best part is getting to personalize the blog itself and being able to write slightly more casually. Please let me know what your favorite part about the Blog Project is, and thanks for sticking by! Happy Blogging!💜

Entry #9- The Shien Apocalypse

 Last year during the stagnation of pandemic life, chances are that you have heard of America's number one apparel brand, Shein. Viral v...