Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Blog Entry #4. What is Research?

What usually comes to mind when individuals imagine research? Most likely a laboratory complete with test tubes, microscopes, and researchers in white lab coats. While this setup is ideal for certain categories of research such as chemists or virologists, there are also other possible settings of research such as distributing surveys or observational research.  Less-known practices like examining historical records are researched too! So then what exactly do all research methods share in common? Whether it comes from the laboratory or not, it is fundamental to learn more about ourselves, society, and everything that surrounds and influences human life. 

As a matter of fact, all research shares the same objective; the discovery of knowledge and concepts. At first, research always begins with a question, used to discover or create new knowledge. This concept is strongly associated with the scientific method. A process that involves asking questions and drawing conclusions based on results and findings. There are two main types of findings that can result from this process. Physical and concrete products and general knowledge. The first kind of result is a tangible product like a new kind of drug that treats a certain disease. This form of research frequently results in immediate improvements to individuals' lives, creating a safer environment. Another variation of research findings is intangible, such as the understanding of archival texts. Such research enlightens us and broadens our perspectives to discover more knowledge in the future. All forms of research are meant to bring new knowledge to the surface and improve our understanding of pre-established ideas. Most research begins with a question and results in either a tangible or intangible result. 

Finally, research may be a starting point for future questions and inquiries. Sharing the findings with other researchers so that they may observe, confirm, and formulate their own questions is the last phase in the scientific method. Communicating results to others creates new questions and speculation regarding the new knowledge acquired, continuing an endless loop of innovation. The cycle of the scientific method pushes breakthroughs and discoveries forward. But the principles of the scientific method are not limited to the sciences. Anyone can contribute to research, by making observations of their own and asking questions. For example, during the pandemic, myths and concerns regarding COVID-19 were constantly spread. However, because individuals were questioning different aspects, researchers were able to assess and draw conclusions from various perspectives.

So what is Research? It starts with an idea or question and often results in a discovery that can be either applied to the real world or expands our current comprehension of it. The research itself can be described through the scientific method and is a constant cycle of questioning and acquiring new knowledge. Everyone can contribute to research by putting their curiosity forward. 

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